
Regular Board Meeting
Eureka Union SD
June 25, 2015 6:00PM
5455 Eureka Road Granite Bay, CA

1.1. The Board President Will Call the Meeting to Order
Mr. Andy Sheehy, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and established a quorum.
1.2. Roll Call - Establishment of Quorum
Ms. Lisa Cataldo, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, led the Roll Call for the Establishment of a Quorum.
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - to be Led by President Sheehy
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by President Sheehy.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Members of the audience may address the Board on any item on the Agenda. There will be a three-minute time limit per person. The Brown Act restricts the Board from taking action on any subject presented that is not on the action portion of the Agenda. The Board encourages persons with complaints against individual employees to submit them via District complaint procedures (as outlined in Board Policy 1312.1). The District policy explaining the complaint procedure is available upon request. Please approach and speak from the podium.

Mrs. Shelly Davis, president of Eureka Union Teachers Association, commented on common core curriculum.
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Action, Discussion and Information items will include a staff presentation (if necessary), questions from the Board, public comment, closing of public comment, deliberation by the Board, and, for Action items, voting by the Board. During public comment, there will be a three-minute time limit per person.
3.1. Recommendation for Approval of the 2015-16 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) - (Mrs. Melody Glaspey, Ms. Kristi Ellison and Mr. Tom Janis)Was edited within 72 hours of the Meeting
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Background: The EUSD Board conducted preliminary public hearings on 5/05/15 and 6/02/15, as well as the required formal public hearing held concurrently with the public hearing for the 2015-16 Adopted Budget on 06/23/15. Public hearings were held for the purpose of receiving input, recommendations and suggestions regarding the draft Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is a three year planning document that is being developed in conjunction with the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Stakeholder groups from TK-8 have worked throughout the school year to develop themes and priorities which have been incorporated into the LCAP for consideration.  Recommendation: Staff recommends, upon Board discussion, that the Board approve the LCAP as a guiding tool to establish the District's local goals and priorities, define new services to improve student success, and appropriately direct funding toward the defined educational priorities and support services to serve all EUSD students, including the Free/Reduced, Foster Youth, and English Learners.
The Board conducted preliminary public hearings on May 5, 2015 and June 2, 2015, as well as the required formal public hearing held concurrently with the public hearing for the 2015-16 Adopted Budget on June 23, 2015. Public hearings were held for the purpose of receiving input, recommendations and suggestions regarding the draft Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is a three year planning document that is being developed in conjunction with the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Stakeholder groups from TK-8 have worked throughout the school year to develop themes and priorities which have been incorporated into the LCAP for consideration.
The Board approved the LCAP as a guiding tool to establish the District's local goals and priorities, define new services to improve student success, and appropriately direct funding toward the defined educational priorities and support services to serve all Eureka Union School District students, including the Free and Reduced, Foster Youth, and English Learners. The Board thanked and commended staff for their hard work, dedication and providing excellent programs.
Passed with a motion by Renee Nash and a second by Tony Corado.
Yes Tony Corado.
Absent Ryan Jones.
Yes Renee Nash.
Yes Aimee Scribner.
Yes Andy Sheehy.
LCAP Update
3.2. Review and Approval of Resolution to Commit Fund Balance per Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 54 (Mrs. Melody Glaspey)
Mrs. Melody Glaspey
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Background: Governmental agencies, including school districts, are required to abide by the The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)Statement #54 which defines and classifies Ending Fund Balances (EFB) into the categories of Non-Spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. Since the EUSD Board passed the GASB 54 Resolution and Policy in 2011, several new factors have surfaced which warrant a review of the GASB 54 options. These factors include the way in which most state funding, through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), is now distributed to districts as "Unrestricted Funds", the requirement for local districts to budget and fund according to priorities defined in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and the recent "hard cap" reserve provisions of the 2014 Budget Act and Proposition 2 (State Rainy Day Fund). The Board was provided with related information at the 06/23/2015 board meeting in conjunction with the public hearings for LCAP and the Adopted Budget, to facilitate discussion concerning potential need to formally commit a portion of the General Fund EFB. Pending the 06/23/2015 discussion and direction to staff, a Resolution to Commit Fund Balance will be presented to the Board for consideration and approval. (RESOLUTION TO BE ATTACHED AFTER 06/23/2015). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the (pending) Resolution to Commit Fund Balance.
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) requires school districts to abide by Statement #54 which defines and classifies Ending Fund Balances (EFB) into the categories of Non-Spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned. Since the Eureka Union School Board passed the GASB 54 Resolution and Policy in 2011, several new factors have materialized which warrant a reassessment of the GASB 54 options. These factors include how the majority of state funding, through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), is now distributed to districts as "Unrestricted Funds", the expectation for local districts to budget and fund according to priorities defined in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and the recent "hard cap" reserve conditions of the 2014 Budget Act and Proposition 2 (State Rainy Day Fund). The Board was provided with related information at the June 23, 2015 board meeting in conjunction with the public hearings for LCAP and the Adopted Budget, to assist in the discussion concerning the potential need to formally commit a portion of the General Fund EFB. The Board approved Resolution 14-15-17 regarding Committed Fund Balance.
Passed with a motion by Tony Corado and a second by Renee Nash.
Yes Tony Corado.
Absent Ryan Jones.
Yes Renee Nash.
Yes Aimee Scribner.
Yes Andy Sheehy.
GASB 54 Resolution
Resolution 14-15-17 Regarding Committed Fund Balance
3.3. Recommendation for Approval of 2015-16 Adopted Budget (Mrs. Melody Glaspey)
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Background: Per Ed Code 42127(a)(1)the Board must conduct a Public Hearing before approving the Adopted Budget. The public hearing has been noticed appropriately in local newspapers by the Placer County Office of Education. School districts are required to adopt a budget by July 1 each year. The process of building the budget begins in the prior year when the Governor first releases the Proposed State Budget in January, then revises it in May. The final State Budget is then scheduled to be passed by the Legislature by 6/15, with final enactment by Governor's signature by June 30. The 2014-15 budget year marked the initial year that school budgets were required to be presented at the same public hearing as the new Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Due to the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) model, and related LCAP requirements, there are many new changes in the budget development processes, accounting methods, and appropriations. Since this is a new process that is continuing to be defined/clarified by the State, and developed at the local level, changes are anticipated over the next few budget cycles. A review of the attached PCOE Common Message gives a thorough overview of the many issues involved with the new funding model, as well as general assumptions used in budget development. The proposed Adopted Budget includes the existing and additional expenditures included in the draft LCAP for 2015-16, and the Multi-Year Projections include the proposed LCAP expenditures for Years 2 & 3.  A review of the attached PCOE Common Message gives a thorough overview of issues surrounding the May Revise for the  proposed 2015-16 state budget, as well as general assumptions used in budget development and  MYP.  The 2015-16 year brings substantial restoration of funding to schools, in both ongoing LCFF "gap" funding and one-time unrestricted funding related to outstanding Mandated Cost claims.  EUSD is expecting to receive approximately $3.3 million in restored funding for 2015-16, which will help to correct deficit spending and provide resources for LCAP implementation and recently negotiated district-wide salary increases. However, because a substantial portion of the funding restoration is one-time, the  MYP indicates that structural deficit spending will still exist due to ongoing expense increases such as step/column, STRS/PERS rate increases, and new/added LCAP measures, as well as continued declining enrollment.  Recommendation:  Staff recommends approval of the proposed 2015-16 Adopted Budget. There have been three LCAP public hearings conducted by EUSD which allowed proper revisions to be made in response to stakeholder input. Because the proposed budget documents are complete at this time, any revisions requested at time of approval would be made with the 1st Interim Budget (or 45-day revision, if substantial changes).

The Board conducted a Public Hearing before approving the 2015-16 Adopted Budget on June 23, 2015. School districts are required to adopt a budget by July 1 each year. The process of building the budget begins in the prior year when the Governor first releases the Proposed State Budget in January, then revises it in May. The final State Budget is then scheduled to be passed by the Legislature by June 15, with final enactment by Governor's signature by June 30. Due to the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) model, and related LCAP requirements, there are many new changes in the budget development processes, accounting methods, and appropriations. Since this is a new process that is continuing to be defined/clarified by the State, and developed at the local level, changes are anticipated over the next few budget cycles. The proposed Adopted Budget includes the existing and additional expenditures included in the draft LCAP for 2015-16, and the Multi-Year Projections (MYP) include the proposed LCAP expenditures for Years 2 & 3. The 2015-16 year brings substantial restoration of funding to schools, in both ongoing LCFF "gap" funding and one-time unrestricted funding related to outstanding Mandated Cost claims. Eureka Union School District is expecting to receive approximately $3.3 million in restored funding for 2015-16, which will help to temporarily support deficit spending and provide resources for LCAP implementation and recently negotiated district-wide salary increases. However, because a substantial portion of the funding restoration is one-time, the MYP indicates that structural deficit spending will still exist due to ongoing expense increases such as step/column, STRS/PERS rate increases, and new/added LCAP measures, as well as continued declining enrollment. The Board approved the proposed 2015-16 Adopted Budget.
a. 2015-16 Adopted - BOARD PRESENTATION (pdf)
a. 2015-16 Adopted - BUDGET SUMMARY
a. 2015-16 Adopted MYP
a. 2015-16 Adopted NARRATIVE
a. 2015-16 Adopted PCOE Common Message
a. 2015-16 Adopted SSC DARTBOARD - May Revise
a. 2015-16 Adopted Statement of Excess Reserves
a.2015-16 Adopted Statement of Excess Reserves - REVISED 6-25-15 TO INCLUDE COMMITMENTS
b. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 01 General
b. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 01 General - REVISED TO REFLECT COMMITMENTS
c. 2015-16 Adopted ADA
c. 2015-16 Adopted Cash Flow
c. 2015-16 Adopted Indirect Cost Worksheet
c. 2015-16 Adopted Lottery
c. 2015-16 Adopted Min Classroom Comp
c. 2015-16 Adopted NCLB MOE
c. 2015-16 Adopted Sch of Capital Assets
c. 2015-16 Adopted Sch of LT Liabilities
c. 2015-16 Adopted Summ of Interfund Actvty
c. 2015-16 Adopted Workers Comp
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF Assumptions
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF Calculations
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF Class Size
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF EPA
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF In Lieu
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF MPP
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF MPP (Revised Calc per PCOE Review)
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF MYP
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF Summary
c.1. 2015-16 Adopted LCFF Summary Graphs
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 13 Nutrition Services
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 14 Deferred Maint
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 17 Spec Reserve
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 19 Foundation
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 25 Cap Facilities
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 30 School Bldg Lease Purchase
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 35 County School Facilities
d. 2015-16 Adopted Fund 40 Spec Reserve Cap Facilities
d. 2015-16 Adopted Other Funds Summary
d. 2015-16 Adopted SACS Table of Contents
z. 2015-16 Adopted Budget - BUDGET CERTIFICATION
z. 2015-16 Adopted Budget - CRITERION STANDARDS
z. 2015-16 Adopted Budget - TECH REVIEW - BUDGET
z. 2015-16 Adopted Budget - TECH REVIEW - ESTIM ACTUALS
3.4. Recommendation for Approval of Education Protection Account (Proposition 30) Spending Plan For Fiscal Year 2015-16 (Mrs. Melody Glaspey)
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Background:The passage of Prop 30 temporary taxes included a provision that the funds generated by the taxes would be deposited into a special "Education Protection Account" (EPA) by the State to be used for prescribed purposes, and to be considered as a portion of districts' LCFF funding. In the same way that local property taxes are considered to be a portion of the total LCFF, and are deducted from the "state aid" portion, EPA funds are also deducted from the "state aid" portion -- therefore EPA funding does not represent additional funding for schools. Provisions of Prop 30 require that the expenditures be directed away from any administrative costs, be presented as a plan at an open Board meeting, and be posted on the district website. This process will also be required for the future years that the temporary Prop 30 tax is in place, with approval of the plan required at the time the Adopted Budgets are approved by the Board. It is currently estimated (based on Governor's May Revise) that the EPA funds will represent $3,752,709 for the EUSD 2015-16 Adopted Budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends, upon Board discussion, that the Board approve the plan to use these funds as they would have been used when categorized as regular state aid portion of the Revenue Limit (or now, as a portion of base funding within the LCFF) -- to fund existing general education certificated teaching salaries and benefits. Upon approval, the appropriate journal entries will be made to allocate the expenses properly throughout the 2015-16 fiscal year. Information will be posted on the website.
The passing of Proposition 30 temporary taxes included a requirement that the funds created by the taxes would be deposited into a special "Education Protection Account" (EPA) by the State to be used for specific purposes, and to be considered as a part of the districts Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Provisions of Prop 30 require that the expenditures be directed away from any administrative costs, be presented as a plan at an open Board meeting, and be posted on the district website. This process will also be required for the future years that the temporary Proposition 30 tax is in place, with approval of the plan required at the time the Adopted Budgets are approved by the Board. It is currently estimated that the EPA funds will represent $3,752,709 for the Eureka Union School District 2015-16 Adopted Budget. The appropriate journal entries will be made to allocate the expenses throughout the 2015-16 fiscal year and information will be posted on the district website. The Board approved the plan to use these funds as they would have been used when categorized as the regular state aid portion of the Revenue Limit (or now, as a portion of base funding within the LCFF) to fund existing general education certificated teaching salaries and benefits.
Passed with a motion by Tony Corado and a second by Aimee Scribner.
Yes Tony Corado.
Absent Ryan Jones.
Yes Renee Nash.
Yes Aimee Scribner.
Yes Andy Sheehy.
SSC- EPA Guidance
4.1. Calendar
Quick Summary / Abstract:
July 14        Regular Board Meeting - District Office, 7:00 PM August 11   Regular Board Meeting - District Office, 7:00 PM August 17   Professional Development Day August 19   First Day of School August 25   Back to School Night - TK-3 August 26   Back to School Night - 4-6 August 27   Back to School Night - 7-8
July 14 Regular Board Meeting - District Office, 7:00 PM
August 11 Regular Board Meeting - District Office, 7:00 PM
August 17 Professional Development Day
August 19 First Day of School
August 25 Back to School Night - TK-3
August 26 Back to School Night - 4-6
August 27 Back to School Night - 7-8
4.2. Governance Calendar
EUSD Governance Calendar
There being no further business, President Andy Sheehy adjourned the meeting at 6:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Disability Information:
Accommodating those individuals with Special Needs - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Eureka Union School District encourages those with disabilities to participate fully in the public meeting process. If you have a special need in order to allow you to attend or participate in our public meetings, please contact our office at 916-791-4939 well in advance of the regular meeting you wish to attend so that we may make every reasonable effort to accommodate you, including auxiliary aids or services. - Agenda Documents - Documents distributed for public session items to the Board less than 72 hours prior to the meeting are available for public inspection at the time of distribution and can be obtained at the Eureka Union School District Office located at 5455 Eureka Road in Granite Bay.
6/25/2015 6:00:00 PM ( Original )
PresentTony Corado
AbsentRyan Jones
PresentRenee Nash
PresentAimee Scribner
PresentAndy Sheehy

The resubmit was successful.